♫♪  Bryce Hackford - Behind (excerpts)

I found these things while cleaning up after the tiny fiesta in the vacuum bag: caulk scrapings….lawless wiper blades…a dragon’s perpetual exhale…. Hear me out. I got an idea. These things I found could be used for remodeling, or remolding, the tools of masonry and for moving the stage around. We will strap the audience to their seats and do half-motion circles around them. We will kick up Moose Lodge molecules. Come next season, we will make an impression once again.

Blow out the black dust when you blow your nose in the morning. Look into the mirror and look puzzled. Where did this funny hat come from? Costumes, like the Duke’s, will need the lint roller. I just ordered two cases of ‘em. We’re set through this coming season, and through Winter. On the solstice, say a prayer, for good measure.

• Bryce Hackford: http://brycehackford.com
• meakusma: http://www.meakusma.org

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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