♫♪  A Bunch Of Dead People - Your Eternal Reward

When that mood strikes and an old type of sound snags your ears: maybe the long commute home and angst is oddly at an all-time high, maybe at a super social event and all they got are vinyls and out comes Your Eternal Reward; maybe you heard about A Bunch Of Dead People (solo project of Ruben Sindo Acosta) and you’re like, “Sure, I’ll give it a chance. But I’ll NEVER let C Monster tell me how to live my life.” Because Floordoor Records is the label who dares tread upon A Bunch Of Dead People… but the artist, not, like, physically. And although the name may attract a certain morbid feel, A Bunch of Dead People is more like Raspberry Bulbs LITE mixed with Blueberry Boat. Your Eternal Reward takes such operatic lunges of pop soul at the noir parts of alt-rock that it shakes a vat of emotions for listeners in a sing-song-y way; the essential “spot” is bull’s-eyed for the perfect striking moment. When:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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