♫♪  c.180_ - weekend tape

Galvinizingly disturbed beats are c.180_ (a.k.a. mgkrp) forte. Such derangement should only be enjoyed by droolers and sociopaths, but fuck if I ain’t slobbering all over my unfeeling self while bumping weekend tape. c.180_’s unsteadily steady hands touch the plastic and metal of his sampler with total control. Stops and starts; jumps and sags; glory and gully flips; its all here.

c.180_/mgkrp/Brendin Hundle-Wilson has already completely killed it this year with lia​-​ji / old ones and shùliàng, but weekend tape seems to be the cream of the crop, least for this gent. Made over a weekend (GAWL!), get ready to be engulfed in the mightyness that is weekend tape, which is streaming below.

• c.180_: https://soundcloud.com/c-180-1
• mgkrp: https://soundcloud.com/mgkrp

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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