♫♪  Candescent - Polaric Field [album stream]

When I drove out to Portland for the first time, I spent most of the trip listening to episodes of a Myth, Science, and Paranormal podcast called Mysterious Universe. The hosts (two dudes from Australia) talk about the kind of stuff you hear paranoid burnouts talking about on downtown street corners, only the hosts accept it all as possible and present it to their listeners without a sliver of doubt. Hearing stories of bigfoot sightings, abductions, and shadow people sift like fog from my speakers driving day and night through the ever-changing landscapes of the western states was a convincing experience on its own. I began to see lights in the sky and shadows off in the distance. I’ve been hooked to the podcast ever since.

I could have listened to Polaric Field from California’s Candescent that entire trip and had the same experience. Synth waves rise and fall out of night sky that seems to move behind those clouds and mountains and horizons. Each track feels infinitely long as you fall into it, staring, and you forget that the sky is only moving because you are.

Gaze deeply into the Polaric Field below, and buy the tape from Chicago-via-Denver’s Laser Palace.

• Laser Palace: http://laserpalace.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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