♫♪  Charmaine’s Names - Charmaine’s Names’ Names

Wet noodle drags from mop strings nearly dry on black concrete that wiped the floor with black & white wingtips in need of a polish yesterday mix and mingle with the dustballs. You ever seen a nest-full of little baby birds with their beaks open eager for a feeding? That’s what these clumps of dustballs look like when they open their mouths and sing in unison. Little baby dustballs playing grown-up. Watch out for those haphazard wingtips, baby dustballs! And in this corner over here the glue is still drying on that mother of pearl necklace. And in that corner over there a foot massage with mayo. And in that corner over there a comb and a pint glass. And out on the empty dance floor, those black & white wingtips continue to dance with that mop and with the sinus pressure of Havisham thoughts — widows, mistresses, suicidal impulses, loneliness, fear of old age, etc. It’s a slow dance. Maybe it wasn’t ten years ago, but, today, in the middle of life, it’s a slow dance. The crooner rubs his temples under that disco ball. His dance won’t appear in a Super Bowl commercial anytime soon. Someone forgot to hit record.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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