Look at my arm all pinned up behind my back here. That’s because the holiday season is official, and one-handed typing is now the new physical internet fad. Err — was there an old physical internet fad? But really, I’m using two hands. And ‘tis the season for you to scope faux Christmas tunes. Forget any Super Furry Animals side project. Check out Christmas with the Beast over at Austin’s Teflon Beast Records. The label is new and this release is certainly a taste (IMO) of the tongue-and-cheek variety. Chris Daily’s “Disco Christmas (remastered)” sporting the most disco silk/1990s soft rock/lingering mollusk this side of… sided of, um. The rest of the compilation is totally jagged too. But so are derr holidays, yeah? #LOLOLOLO
• Teflon Beast Records: http://teflonbeastrecords.blogspot.com
More about: Chris Daily