Look, here’s the thing. We all take our pants off one leg at a time. Thing is, you need to rip those fuckers clean off with a measurement of manic glee and reckless abandon this time around. Whip those tired trousers around your head once they’re off your very dangerous, passionate torso, too. Then, please proceed to the dance floor. Pants-less? Here, you ask? The dance floor? Well, yes. Here. Fact of the matter is, you’ve arrived. It’s cocktail hour, and a sparkling water is just fine ‘round these parts. Yes, that’s right. Splash mountain can wait. Oh, what’s that, you say? A new datafruits comp has just arrived?! Shit, put those pants back on so you can rip them off again, only to toss those fuckers to the side with mirth and madness and dance, you sloppy fool! Dance your pants-less dance!
♫♪ datafruits - datafruits 2017