♫♪  Desert - Envalira EP

This is more of a reminder than anything, but Desert’s newest Envalira EP came out yesterday and is spinning 12-inches of gloriously dreamed out pop meets dj-esque production meets beach-wave meets eternity somewhere in Europe. But if you pre-orderd the vinyl, it’ll probably be on your American door-step today after work/school/service/etc. Summer begins this Saturday (officially, no matter how hot it’s been and how many shorts you’ve already made), so prepare yourself for the melt with Envalira EP. It doesn’t get any easier that spinning, dropping, and fading out. GET SOME!!!

Stream Envalira EP by Desert below while it awaits you on your doorstep tonight or sometime this week:

• Desert: http://desertgrup.tumblr.com
• Minty Fresh Records: http://mintyfresh.com
• Buenritmo Records: http://www.buenritmo.es/webapp

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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