♫♪  DJ Rashad / DJ Manny / DJ Phil - “Let’s Roll Out”

DJ Rashad, who earlier this year dropped a footwork-gone-wild monster called TEKLIFE Vol. 1: Welcome to the Chi, has taken to SoundCloud to release another new track, this time from his upcoming project with young producer/dance extraordinaire DJ Manny. “Let’s Roll Out” features Manny and Rashad roping in DJ Phil (who collaborates with Manny pretty frequently) for another dark, moody footwork track, whose snare- and synth-heavy aesthetic would fit perfectly with those Chicago circles. Listen now or you ain’t about that life:

“Let’s Roll Out” is available as a free download until next Wednesday, and stay tuned for details on the collabo album, The Manny & Rashad Show, via Lit City Trax. Meanwhile, Rashad also recently shared a TEKLIFE mix that he and DJ Spinn did of footcrabber Addison Groove’s “I Go Boom.” Check that one out here.

• DJ Rashad: http://soundcloud.com/djrashadteklife
• DJ Manny: http://soundcloud.com/deejay-manny-2
• DJ Phil: http://soundcloud.com/dj-phil-2
• Lit City: http://litcitytrax.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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