♫♪  Dolphins Into The Future - Lieven Martens Moana - Songs Of Gold, Incandescent [Select Movements]

As I’ve said before, it’s excruciatingly important to read what Lieven Martens Moana has written about his releases. Thus, I present to you a scan of his writing off the newest extended version LP of his 2014 tape Songs Of Gold, Incandescent:

Okay, so that’s a tiny-tease. But so are just three tracks from the entire album, as they are listed on his Bandcamp: “Culatra Island,” Sweeten The Mango,” and “Lava.” In light of anticipation, I’ll blockquote what’s said about these three for context:

I. CULATRA ISLAND: When solid and fluid embrace. On a sandy beach in South Portugal.

III. SWEETEN THE MANGO: Circumstances… A bar, hidden in a thick forest bordering a vast lava plain. The barkeeper fronts a small exhibition — a few panels of newspaper clippings — on the independence movement. On one of the panels, in black marker, someone wrote a few lines of Missionary Graveyard, a poem by Haunani-­Kay Trask, a Hawaiian poet, academic and activist. Next to a faded sticker of the Shaka sign. Outside the bar, a whited read locked hippy plays the ukulele. Coqui frogs are chirping in the background. This song is an investigation. A missionized hymn, a melancholic piano vignette, and the church bells, counter pointing island fauna. A question mark.

VII. LAVA: The volcanic eruption. Burning lava flows. The black void of the lava beds. The electronic waves in this song create a lively after image. Lava is an extended mix of the middle section from The Bells From Above, a sound collage in three parts.

Lieven is a humble man of creative and composed genius, as I know he’d never admit to any of that, and shy away blushing, maybe. But look at his back catalog. Shit, some of it isn’t even listed; check out what I picked up from good-old Josh at Tomentosa Records. Like, check your backyard right now, Lieven is probably halfway in your tree-bush, blue floral shirt barely peaking out, and all you see is a long silver pole with a boom at the end of it; his feet muddy in flip-flops, on his tip-toes, reaching his mic closer to a tiny nest of birdies, trying to reach the natural sound of this world without ever disturbing it. Humble. Genus. Composed.

Lieven is also fronting Music From The Guardhouse on cassette, which I will have to arrange my collection again to fit it in. There’s truly only a handful-or-two of artists we all respect, believe in as “the future,” and compare all other musical acts against. Lieven Martens Moana (a.k.a. Dolphins Into The Future) is not only inspirational musically and artistically, but ethically and mentally. He’s a rare bread of human the world needs exceedingly more of today.

• Edicoes CN; https://edicoescn.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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