The line is cast out into the sea, and then they wait. The shrill riff is an effective lure, as there is no resisting the bait. After 30 seconds, the line gives a tug, and they begin to reel it in.
Drudkh knows the game. They unleash a relentless fusillade of well-balanced, discordant guitar progressions. It is a direct hit, and it does not stop, like a Ukrainian steamroller. With guitars maximizing the high end, the percussion cuts a path of solitary precision. Over this inexorable combination of dissonance and dynamic drumming, Drudkh layer filthy vocals, dripping with venom, to provide the final piece in a turbulent triumvirate.
At the half mark, Drudkh cuts the line, as though the thrill of the hunt was enough. When the prey glides away, the thickness of the guitars washes over all, undulating out into the vast sea. The magnitude of their sound is immense; it conjures the ancients, building a monument to the apparitions of the past. By the conclusion, you have been anointed by noxious octaves, hammered by tight toms, and enthralled by sleek bass lines. Drudkh has entranced you with their signature sound, so pure and so evil.
More about: Drudkh