♫♪  EQ Why - Whythoven, Volume 2: Nine Sixteen Eighty​-​Eight

Feet, don’t fail me now! EQ Why season just dropped, tips getting frosty, and heat “is provided throughout the building.” Holy smokes off the linoleum after being turtle-waxed into an ice skating rink, and your socks ACTUALLY burn holes in themselves as Whythoven, Volume 2: Nine Sixteen Eighty​-​Eight crashes them noisy downstairs neighbors. Tonight, we accelerate our minds into a state of work only feet can juke. Samples on the LOL. Beat flips that scrapes skull against your brain. Bass that warps the wood flooring. EQ Why’s ears still in a daftly brazen zone. All we needed was one more good party. And when “For The Love Of Dabs” sinks into them nodes, euphoria is inescapable. Whythoven, Volume 2: Nine Sixteen Eighty​-​Eight starts any:time you’re ready:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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