I once knew a gal who, out of love, ate her mattress. Brought the whole damn D-Luxe nail clipper set to bed. For her, bathroom surgery was pillow talk, hang nails were crumbs in bed - dig under and dig in. On the end table, she kept other things besides hang nails in jars. There were many jars, but only one low-watt bulb for lighting. Nocturnal…diurnal….I don’t remember which, or what work hours she kept. This was in Cincinnati… I know because I remember rust being scraped off machinery outside just as she shaved down her callous with an industrial-strength file and took another bite of fluff.
Folks will love all sorts of things, inanimate … in animate. By fighting against it, compulsion proves consciousness. We didn’t see The Invisible Man until the detective tackled him to the pavement. Now we see him in ourselves and in our pets.
More about: Ernesto Diaz-Infante