♫♪  Exoteric Continent - Primera Norma [Promo Mix]

You’re by a lake. You’re by a lake in the hills and the sky is darkening across a melted sun-lit horizon harnessing a log hanging mist in the trees long the landscape. Face painted the color of war and you’re running toward a well-moving highway. Licking off bullets gains you “Accés” to the pathway before you to seep pure evil into the surrounding city and suburban areas.

The “Primera Norma” to driving here relies on manifesting as much fear in the bubble that grows around you, so feel free to continue flinging as many slugs out the window as you own. Slowing down is never an option, your heart is about to grow hands and rip itself out of your body, and the pulse in your neck, thighs, wrists, and eyes feel as though a beat is steady through pistons and gunfire.

Cast yourself out to society. Become the violent “Cap de turc” people come to expect from you now that they’ve seen you on the news and every television screen for the past hour, having robbed six corner stores and run over and/or shot enough people to fill a hilltop cemetery. And less is more, but all the while having everything is not as expensive as it always seemed.

But to break it all down, gaining momentum to the inevitable tragedy to all this, the “Sinòpsi d’una crisi” seems to be darkness. Now that it’s nearly black outside, even the red and blue blaring light in all directions is nearly visible. Maybe just overrun the ramp, hit those clear mountain tops, ramp, dive out, and see if your parachute takes wind. So does it?

Hospital Productions put out Exoteric Continent’s latest reeler Primera Norma, and a [Promo Mix] was made of it, which is streaming below. The mix misses the violence of length that the full-length tracks bare on the release, but the preview is worth listening too. Only bad part about owning this tape: you have to flip it over half way through. But putting it on repeat is essentially welcomed.

• Exoteric Continent: http://exotericcontinent.wordpress.com
• Hospital Productions: http://hospitalproductions.net

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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