♫♪  Feast of Violet - Platform [EP]

There is some serious Black Dice noise swells underneath these beats, but it’s like Black Dice if you want to fall asleep instead of violently melt everything you see. And it has some real crunch to it for sounding so big. Like tape music breaking through its own decibel barriers, out into that wide open mist of slow-moving synths and soft drums. It’s weird to say judging by the airiness of the beat, but I think those drums might be the only thing holding this thing down to Earth.

Feast of Violet is the project of Lotus Plaza keyboardist Allen Taylor, and it really follows in the trend of Atlanta bands sounding much bigger than the sum of its parts.

Listen to the Platform EP below, or buy it for however much you damn well please over at the Bandcamp page.

• Feast of Violet: http://http://feastofviolet.bandcamp.com/

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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