♫♪  || FLORA - City God

PTP is back at it with CELL, now serving Issue 04 with || FLORA. Found on Side-A is City God, which is nearly 15 minutes of sonic royalty, mixed with outstandingly functional sound manipulation all in praise of the perfect beat. At times, City God is completely max’d out with samples and synthetics, often transitioning through the minimalness of space, both pointing at the importance of stripped audio and the use of its property to develop song and storytelling via sound. Words:

“A City God is a tutelary deity in Chinese folk religion who is believed to protect the people and affairs of the particular town or city of great dimension, and its corresponding afterlife location. Originating over 2000 years ago, a City God was originally the name of a deity or type of deity believed to be able to provide divine protection to a city’s physical defences.”

Snoop City God below and don’t forget the Side-B (Audio Codex). “Issue 04 invokes the healing ritual” and as always comes with a PDF file of Smoothie Recipe Code.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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