The eternally intriguing Orange Milk Records brings us into 2014 with a super-duper batch of cassettes, including a fantastically zany new tape by Genetics and Windsurfing. Describing the six-track tape is increasingly implausible with each revisit: it’s capricious and tireless, enigmatic yet palpable. Once familiar experimental textures are distressed, stretched, and flung into an unknown space-time continuum where erraticism is erotic. The tape sprouts tangibility in it’s progression, ending in a sloshing crunchy march that feels like a certain predisposed catharsis from the previous five tracks. Listening to the Audio Stream Continuum is a heuristic experience; it pressurizes and twists subjectivity out of objectivity. If I were to wake up weightless, in a dark room, with Audio Stream Continuum in my ears, I don’t think I would be confused. Try it yourself via the stream below:
• Genetics and Windsurfing:
• Orange Milk:
More about: Genetics and Windsurfing