Hey. Come here. I want to show you something. Closer. Put your ear, like, right there. Now listen up. It might get a little loud, but stay put. It’s supposed to. What? No, I’m not spitting. That’s just the billion shards of crystal shrapnel embedding themselves into your ear. But it feels nice, right? I thought so. Soothing. A warm blanket, plus acupuncture of the ear drum.
OMG Vinyl turned us onto Glass Vaults and this, their new Into Clear EP, available either as a name-your-price download from bandcamp (where their first EP from 2010 is also avilable) or on extremely limited vinyl from JUKBOXR. The whole thing is certainly worth your time (and the bloody mess, plucking those shiny little daggers from your cochlea).
• Glass Vaults: http://glassvaults.bandcamp.com/album/into-clear-ep
• JUKBOXR: http://www.jukboxr.com/
More about: Glass Vaults