♫♪  Golden Living Room - “Come Home”

Nobody is more ready for the eccojam fade-out more than Golden Living Room. Pretty much surrounded in the decay of everything swan-song, Golden Living Room provides listeners with the new single “Come Home” from the upcoming WELCOME HOME EP on Dream Catalogue™ and TAHRC this August. Samples here are skinned alive, stretched to oblivion, and now hover in ghost form, matching what he fellah done-did last year with Plug In, Drop Out. And as a lingering haze, “Come Home” seems to fit the exact feeling of being trapped in Silent Hill’s more peaceful areas, as most of Golden Living Room sounds (and if not directly sampled from) a variety of video games. Grip WELCOME HOME EP from Dream Catalogue™ and/or TAHRC, and live the virtuality Golden Living Room is beckoning everyone to “Come Home” and experience for themselves.

• Golden Living Room: https://soundcloud.com/goldenlivingroom
• Dream Catalogue™: http://dreamcatalogue.bandcamp.com
• TAHRC: http://www.thisaintheavenrc.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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