Look, well listen -er… read this: I’m watching WALL-E right now and it’s pretty much telling me that technology will eventually inspire humanity to procreate and redevelop society for humans on Earth. Fuck that. Fuck you technology, in which I’m writing through. *Sigh* Damn you, Steve Jobs! And the fact of the matter is I got WALL-E as an indoor “date-night” movie. I know, Choco is filled with much masculinity. I argue this is the opposite. Maybe. Gonjasufi — master of terror-beats and whose MU.ZZ.LEs loaded — is dueting on “Feedin’ Birds” with his wife. Now, I don’t know the definition of “straight.” Cause who do really? Just, Gonjasufi is a totes straight kind of dude. Don’t let me tell you what to do. Or change our perception on language. But check out Warp Records January 24 for Gonjasufi’s MU.ZZ.LE CD or double 10-inch vinyl, including a screen-print poster.
• Gonjasufi: http://www.sufisays.com
• Warp Records: http://warp.net
More about: Gonjasufi