Scott Goodwin (Polonaise, Operative, and Bonus), a Portland, OR, based producer, has been a recurring guest at various events hosted by Seattle’s Debacle Records and its offshoot imprint, MOTOR. Now that he’s been brought in as a member of the latter collective, MOTOR is set to release Goodwin’s debut under that name. The Ramparts EP, out July 22, continues the MOTOR vinyl series with a quartet of taut grooves. The title track (streaming below), starts off with a low-hanging bass that is paired with a wonky synth solo about 3/4 of the way through. It’s a dizzying open to the EP, which showcases the talent Goodwin has been bringing to his live sets throughout this past year. Ramparts is out on the 22nd, and you can pre-order the vinyl here. If you’re in the Pacific Northwest in the next two weeks, Goodwin is playing a few shows in anticipation of the release (dates below).
Live Dates:
07.11.14 - Seattle, WA - Lo-Fi
07.19.14 - Portland, OR - S1
• Goodwin:
More about: Goodwin