After two EPs, one full-length, and several tours, Gowns have officially called it quits (FUCK!). The 17-minute “Stand And Encounter” was posted on Gowns member Erika Anderson’s blog as a free download. Here’s what she had to say about the track:
Before [breaking up], we were just finishing work on a piece for our next record, and I think in many ways it’s one of the best things we’ve done. At 17 minutes long, it’s a good representation of everyone doing the best of what they do best: it’s got Corey’s frenetic yet graceful drum patterns, Ezra’s swelling viola drones, a rhythmic and powerful guitar line, and a vocal and lyrical style that is at once direct and oblique.
You can read the rest of the obituary in our news section.
• Erika Anderson:
• Ezra Buchla:
• Corey Fogel:
• Cardboard: