First: Since SQ777-1: No Man Is God and SQ777-2: HEEL AESTHETIC, HKE has been on a warpath of fantastic music.
Second: When your mouth exhales frost unintentionally, you’re in the movie, The Thing, and nothing knows you know what you know: GOD MODE.
Third: I’m starting to fear David’s ego on social media because it’s panning out to be right, and I feel like WWE rules imply that — at some point — my “character” might be involved.
Four: Been working with my gal Oni since —16, and it’s been a pleasure since track two on SQ777-3: Emotionless Passion.
Five: Sqqqqqqquaaadddddddd #postVAPOUR #foreverLIFE
Six: So, but, at work, Oni and I joke “wrestle” and “hit” each-other on the chest like “real wrestlers” do in matches, only we just wanna Glow, baby, because 2017 ain’t never gonna die out, we just more and more disconnected with what’s popular until we make a more popular decision, so clan?
Seven: Hey, David. Let’s be one one day.
More about: HKE