♫♪  House of Blondes - “Time Trip (Main Theme)”

No fooling. TONIGHT: House of Blondes at the Knockdown Center will rip your mind in reverse (GRIP PRE-SALE TICKETS HERE. Featuring the teaser track “Time Trip (Main Theme),” House of Blondes blends a good combination of synthetic sonic architecture and minimally brash techno. Scope more delicate information below:

Time Trip will be released this summer on vinyl, CD, and digital platforms. Each of the nine songs on the album deals with time and how humans have come to understand it - from watching the sun and moon, to understanding the effect the tilt of the Earth has on the seasons, to creating the incredibly complex and accurate modern clocks that sync our world. In a larger sense, the album is an appreciation of science; in 2017 we feel it’s vital to embrace scientific truth and the objective communication of this truth.

The album was largely inspired by the 1983 book The Discoverers by Daniel J. Boorstin. The book begins with a section chronicling humankind’s first efforts to understand and mark the passage of time and the enormous power time and its measurement play in our lives. “Time Trip (Main Theme)” celebrates this sense of discovery.

Of course, music itself is inextricably linked to time - from tempos to note lengths to the amount of sound that can physically fit on a given medium (like the roughly 20 minutes available on the side of a vinyl record). In a practical sense clocks are essential to the production of our music, as our synthesizers, drum machines, and the recording hardware and software themselves are all dependent on internal clocks keeping accurate time and communicating this passage of time with one another. “Time Trip (Main Theme)” features tight arpeggios and a precise structure that utilize all of these elements.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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