♫♪  Ian William Craig - “Contain (Astoria Version)”

Ian William Craig is presently on tour, a European jaunt increasing the world’s level of tonal beauty, an aim likewise achieved with two new short films. The over-flux of hues inhabiting “Contain (Astoria Version)” stuns thoroughly. Filmed with a modified camera, its lens swapped for a magnifying glass, Craig’s source material is transformed into transcendental wash, a visual process echoing his tape deck modification sonics. It’s an impressionistic color bath, beyond linguistic reach, nearer to the hyperobject realm. Lens modding as scrying tool has been happening since Strindberg at least, yet Craig’s approach is less occult-y, more like emotional gold-panning. Sense-based. Sacrifices autocorrected to sacral ices through smoke from a timeless candle.

Halfway in, vocals depart and the operation moves from rescue to recovery. Vaguely discernible images (tape gears, self portrait, a skull) become increasingly elemental. We’re left to dwell and ponder in Malickian poignancy.

The second video collects 13 Centres promo clips demonstrating the creation of the album art, a procedure involving pigment on mylar burnt to a plate. Often obscured through superimposition and angle, it’s doubtful you’ll learn lithography from these. The interest is in seeing it all unfold. Wonderful variety as well, ranging from the organic flow of what could be tidal pools to the layered grids of a drying rack. Ecosystem and architecture — all to be found in the printmaker’s studio.

Remaining European shows:

08.22.16 - Brussels - Feeerieen Festival
08.23.16 - Prague - Na Hollaru
08.24.15 - Berlin - Acud Macht Neu
08.25.16 - Copenhagen - Jazzhouse
08.26.16 - Durbe - Zemlika Festival

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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