♫♪  James Ferraro - ”(変態 k-town”

For real, I know NOTHING ‘bout this new Rraro track “(変態 k-town.” Allz I got was Rico Shade is still on the loose and LAPD plans on “dealing with it.” I’m not running today ‘cause I forgot my towel. And I’m NOT going near Florence and Normandy. Even if i collect rocks and bottles and sticks for my basement museum only three people have seen IRL.

Yung Rrar here picks up from them 3AM vibes, is way less grumpy, and way more boppy. So, yeah, I just wanted to share this with our readers since our content is low today, I’m just “GRINDING” on through new shit, and TMT just gotta always be on that fucking cusp. Trick is: FACEBOOK. Give it up! But… don’t. K? “(変態 k-town.” James Ferraro. I am James Ferraro. You are James Ferraro. Cut your haircut.

• James Ferraro: https://twitter.com/LIL_ICEBUNNY
• Rico Shade: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMBGYEDSzAV5E2BpwcJwCwA?feature=watch

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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