♫♪  James Ferraro - “Eternal Condition” / “Stuck 2”

“This record is about my demons just as much as its about society’s demons, I was reflecting on both through out the entirety of writing the album. at the time it was blind but I felt everything that was around me coming together inside to make the material that eventually became this album.presenting my environment / location, samples from 9/11 news coverage, surveillance camera audio, TV ads and other sources were used and all arranged together to create a surreal psychological sculpture of American decay and confusion, a map of New York’s nihilism and it’s self referential hedonism. Within this the songs are moments of clarity, times when something made sense enough to be represented with words, being kind of dark and noir. I don’t believe that I offer any pathos but an eternal condition, or a statement about my emotional Hell a statement of my surroundings and my experiences capturing the things I see: rats, metal landscape, toxic water, Junkie friends, HIV billboards, evil news, Luxury and unbound wealth, exclusivity, facelifts, romance, insane police presence, lonely people, all against the sinister vastness of Manhattan’s alienating skyline.” – James Ferraro

These songs are fantastic:

Check out trailers #1 and #2, and look for NYC, HELL 3:00 AM October 15 on Hippos in Tanks.

• James Ferraro: http://twitter.com/LIL_ICEBUNNY
• Hippos in Tanks: http://hipposintanks.net

[Photo: Slyvia Kochinski]

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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