Cooking like a bread, stress yeasts an agita within that rises like a burning chest pain that subsides like anxiety in a suppressive state. Driving hours out of the way from your boyfriend’s place of work only to return directly back to his place of work to tell him you drove that far out of the way. A cramped pot full of soil and roots and plants. Just enough sunlight. Dripping down the back of a large fish-eye mirror strategically planted so cars can see what’s around the corner, only it’s a young Pacific Asian man combing his fingers through his hair. Footsteps that follow you that are maybe a shadow’s footsteps, but white out and purple face. That time of year again. Shattered window holes that present onlookers with a garden of non-existent plants for this region of the world. Constantly questioning reality.
Jamie Bassi been-had the “OBSERVER/SYSTEMA” since people been mad pissed off all day. Take a closer look via ZOOM LENS, below:
More about: Jamie Bassi