In Tragedy, Julia Holter exhibits an extreme form of patient composition via recording herself recording… Err, recording is what that barren sound was on Tragedy, right? With “Marienbad,” Holter presents that same kind of patience, only through noticeably time-consumed pop music engineering. Like, there are almost, like, like mini-movements within this five-and-a-half-minute song. You think it has anything to do with the two different labels’ (Leaving Records and RVNG Intl.) coastal rivalry? Sounds from the West being more washed; sounds from the East being bopp’y. Respectfully, RVNG Intl. is fronting $crill for her next release Ekstasis on CD and double LP formats, to be released early March.
• Julia Holter:
• RVNG Intl.:
More about: Julia Holter