Hard t0 pick 0ne stand0ut track fr0m KeitaroTamura’s stacked and scrabbling feed, s0 g0ing with the current latest, “301,” p0tentially part 0f s0me unintelligible and un0rdered numerical th0ught that als0 includes 453, 454 , 209 , 193 , 110 , 16, 413, 420, 421, 419, 413, 394, 375, 369, 152, 36, 367, 350, 113, 269, 270, 269, 208, and s0 0n.
Listening for all that’s entr0pically enc0ded. Reading y0u, 0r trying t0, in [s0mething erased] — 18 XSC Sect. 1001: Pass, 0r Cause t0 Pass Gently 0r Easily Thr0ugh, 0r as if Thr0ugh, the Xir.
More about: KeitaroTamura