♫♪  Kroko Krew - Напередодні загибелі


“so this is album we write together for past month. It is strongly influence by the music we hear back from our home. To me this vaporwave music is all about redistribution of various culture. I do not relate with shopping malls and american consumerism, so I make vaporwave about us. In many way, the vaporwave is music that is equal familiar yet foreign and distorted in some strange way. This is same idea for the Kroko Krew LP. We make the music one might hear at party or rave, but it is composed to tell narrative and bring listener to a place they never think of going.”

Wolf X Collection is presenting the indeterminable take-over of Kroko Krew with their newest bit of rave-rot, Напередодні загибелі. Krew members including Flash Kostivich, Yarky, and Vit, Напередодні загибелі brings a hurting to ears that only club murder can provide. Pulsing nights with blood red eyes filled with only a one-track beat in mind, Kroko Krew lingers the warehouse after-hours scene in Ukraine like the last krokodil laboratory open for early-hours of operations. Because if you can’t fiend while cranking Напередодні загибелі up past a four-mile radius of volume, you mine as well get every last credit card (and three-number security code “on back”) on file and start charging for noise ordinance. Kroko Krew is in a league of their own, and if you ain’t paying for their musical bludgeoning, then move the FUCK OUT!

Frisk Напередодні загибелі below:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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