♫♪  L​.​O​.​A - In Your Cities, What About Feelings?

Put your face on everything now. Not exactly your face, but your brand. You being you on everything, now. Now, not exactly everything, only a brand of your face on generally things with you’s associate. Mostly just on surprised faces. Exasperated faces. Your brand/face on faces without souls, so no eyes. No eyes on the faces, only your eyes from the face of your brand. And they deliver it right to you.

Also, “This is Clifford, hey. Usually I get a driver in Harlem, but I’m home in Flushing today, and was wondering if… oh, you DO deliver all around NYC? Yeah, come get it. Yeah I’m there right now. Well, I’ll be there in 15. I fixed my bike and was on me way to Harlem, but.. OH! There’s a deal today? What kinda deal? Is it something I can completely peace-out to(?), because I’d like to peace out too. A car? Just text me. Or call. I’ll be dipping on some L.O.A. In Your Cities, What About Feelings? vibes via Forever Now. Cash me an I cash you, b:”

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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