♫♪  Laura Hajek​/​Max Alper - Big Haus Split - “UBMH” / “Sidechain Rhythms I”

New on the funking jojotape front is a split of madness by Laura Hajek​ and ​Max Alper. Starting out with Laura’s “UBMH,” percussion gets percussive and fades into a lovely array of chimes echoing like a windstorm in slow motion, bending trees as if they were the melting metal of when a stick smacks a cymbal. When “UBMH” gets crunchy, the ripeness of vine starts to entwine: animal noises photographed in a dark room of black and white film that were all printed off at the office and tattered into something lingering, but not half-assed. The layers of sound Laura Hajek goes through in “UBMH” is submissively numbing, with a tinge of pleasurable ear candy. Can’t wait to hear the rest:

Max Alper lives in Brooklyn and owes me a beer for this one. Yeah, I stuck around for the 17 minutes of glory that is popping off in “Sidechain Rhythms I.” Believe me. This is a request. WAIT FOR IT. Because “Sidechain Rhythms I” builds into a Jenga of rhythms that sound like the glory of destruction. Although, it’s not the antithesis of production, as Alper maintains a vibe throughout that thumps just enough spark to bring listeners to their feet and get a jive for today that is like a motivational poster in a prison. Escape with “Sidechain Rhythms I.” This might be your last resort. Follow the tunneling sounds below:

Big Haus Split C60 by Max Apler and Laura Hajek is out now on jojotapes. Grip if you’re feeling the frisk.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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