♫♪  Lightning Bolt - “I FOUND A RING IN MY EAR”

OH MY GOD. Lightning Bolt just started a bandcamp, and their first upload? A 20-minute unedited, director’s uncut, free-form mindfuck titled “I FOUND A RING IN MY EAR,” recorded straight to a Tascam cassette 4-track (hey, I still have one of those!). Perhaps it’s an answer to The Flaming Lips’ six-hour “I Found A Star on the Ground”? Maybe! In any case, the track is available for free or as a ‘name-your-price’ at bandcamp, but do the right thing and let me tell u how to spend yr money.

I just listened to the track two times in a row, and I’m ready to go right back to sleep. I fully expect to dream about a new Lightning Bolt album. FEATURING RYAN GOSLING. Yummmmmm.

• Lightning Bolt: http://laserbeast.com
• Load: http://www.loadrecords.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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