♫♪  Lil Yachty - BIRTHDAY MIX

No one is better than Yachty, Lil Boat, Sailing Team Captain, King Of Teens, Cover Art Caretaker. If there’s one thing that he’s brought to every release, it’s his open secret that he’s not a rapper; he’s Chris Martin, he’s Phil Collins, he’s Young Thug (their music together is a Leo-Virgo cusp), he’s calling in the air tonight. The excellent Lil Boat and Summer Songs 2 are front-to-back meshes of feeling, of a sound, free-concept wholes. He’s one of the most gifted curators to be releasing mixtapes, and so even this offhand 15-minute compilation of “old shit, new shit, just some shit” has an ebb, a flow, a range. Whoa, damn.

Only three words I gotta say to you, Lil Yachty: I love you.


Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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