Fairfield is kind of a strange city. The small beacon of art and creativity in the middle of rural Iowa is home to a transcendental meditation university, an annual benefit concert sponsored by the David Lynch Foundation, and a whole collective of creative kids who stave off boredom by filtering nearly every musical genre imaginable through their own brand of electronics and dance music. “Low Cash,” the lead single to the Little Ruckus debut album We Love Evil, is like a mission statement for that entire bored, adolescent community of Fairfield. The song gradually piles layers of chant-punk vocals over screaming trance-like synthesizers, and dance beats that sound like Dan Deacon leading a marching band. I suppose if you are going to be stuck in the middle of Iowa, you might as well embrace it and dance your ass off. Weird Life.
Get into it below, and spend all your cash on “Low Cash” (and the rest of the album) over at their website.
• Little Ruckus: http://www.littleruck.us
More about: Little Ruckus