Since it’s inception, Haju Tapes has specialized in slinging beatapes from a gaggle of global producers. But, with their next release, something’s about to change with that steady formula.
Say goodbye to the slack beats and laid back samples the label is known for, and say hello to some good old fashioned lo-fi guitar tunes. That’s right, you read that correctly: in 2016, in the Chocolate Grinder section of Tiny Mix Tapes, you are hearing about an earnest Pop/Rock band. Crazy times.
Hailing from Victoria, BC, LOVING make the type of charming music that puts smiles on even the most sullen of faces, no matter the year or place. Posted just last week, “The not real lake” is the first taste off their upcoming self-titled release for Haju, and it perfectly exemplifies the lighter side of summer.
Preview the tender track below, and be on the lookout for the cassette in the near future.
More about: LOVING