♫♪  L.V. Morris - Southern Victoria

As one of three tapes on (sadly) the last batch (EVER) of Rocket Machine Tapes comes Southern Victoria by L.V. Morris. In the most pleasant of states, it strangely represents a personal land I’ve never traveled, and feels almost like a swan-song to what I enjoyed most on the Rocket Machine dynasty. There’s found sounds and field recordings, brief drone/harsh-noise from a finger running across the mic, auras of nature only coming to life, etc. Colors fade in and out of a black-roomed consciousness. Everything has always been there for humans. It’s all a matter of reappropriating matter. Is the physical beyond the story that sounds can tell? Will you come away with me and never return? I believe Rocket Machine Tapes is going there and never looking back.

As for L.V. Morris, the releases seem to keep coming, as SicSic has picked up another release The Weight of your Absence, still enjoying the hunt. Does the mic hold ever catch its exact prey? Listen to Southern Victoria streaming below and find out if L.V. Morris caught what you’re listening for on tape:

• L.V. Morris: http://www.discogs.com/artist/3526977-L-V-Morris
• Rocket Machine Tapes: http://rocketmachine.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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