♫♪  Maharadja Sweets & Seth Graham - “Space is the Place .​.​. For TV”

It’s not that “Space is the Place .​.​. For TV” is the best song of 2014. But it’s certainly the ONLY song of 2014 that’s made me cry on various occasions while listening on repeat, and through a plethora of emotional levels. Sometimes it’s a trifle heartbreaking. A lot of times it’s imagining being together with my sig-nif forever throughout time. Knowing Richard (Maharadja Sweets) and Seth Graham, and thinking of their emotions makes me emotion. And it’s perfect length and now I’m holding back tears at work while birthday donuts are behind me and all my co-workers are feasting. My pop making my brother and me jazz-out through our youth: Miles, Monk, Sun Ra (rite, rite?). Let’s do it again!

Right now, I can’t handle “Space is the Place .​.​. For TV” so much that I want to and must continue to try. Lyrically, this song is perfect. Musically it’s spaced and distant and —again— perfect. Maybe this is my favorite song of 2014. Maybe I can’t let it go and the connection I have is oddly impersonal, while also stifled by internal feelings of New York sweatshirts, fart smelling cars, Joe Bastaro and Sam Gas Can live collab, Dayton hanging, reused tissues, preparing for hotdogs in the cold, etc.

Got an e-mail from Joey B. He heard from Maharadja Sweets or Seth (who’s Goop made TMT’s 2014 Third Quarter Favorites) that I was in love with this track, and it’s official up on the Moss Archive Bandcamp. Immediately, my heart fluttered. “Space is the Place … For TV” is on Maharadja Sweets’ newest tape The Cassette Label Heads Who Went Outside. Most of the tape is spoken-word/audio-book, but Richard is probably the most incredible story-teller performer I’ve witnessed live, so scope out the rest after crying for hours listening to “Space is the Place … For TV” on repeat streaming below:

• Maharadja Sweets: http://maharadjasweets.com
• Seth Graham: http://sethgraham.bandcamp.com
• Moss Archive: http://mossarchive.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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