♫♪  Mandelbrot & Skyy - “TT Races”

Check that cover art out. I like the random placement of orange; the whole thing really takes a minute to sink in, but it’s hard not to look. “TT Races” is kind of similar, seeming a bit subdued, cheesy, out-there, random, geometric, colorful etc. It comes courtesy of Mandelbrot & Skyy, a new project from Rene Hell (Jeff Witscher) and Driphouse (Daren Ho, who was also in Racoo-oo-oon). I wish this project was called Witscher’s Ho. You can grab the album, titled OD-Axis, at Foxy Digitalis. (via Altered Zones. Though… dudes, you spelled Mandelbrot wrong.)

• Foxy Digitalis: http://www.foxydigitalis.com/digiv027.html

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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