♫♪  Michel Tenoît - Je m’apelle Michel

Why is TXK starting to look more-and-more like Mortal Kombat menu screens, visually via color schematics? By blood: there was never a French person in the Mortal Kombat game series. But ironically, it was the Dom of fighting games. Forever. Even on Play Station. Remember when Mortal Kombat switched over from IRL-shit to more computer graphics? Think about HKE making a live-action Bo’ Rai Cho themed album where most of the sound were vomit and stick-to-bone. Fuck off with puns! This is a cover-up. Wait are you still outside?

Editions Gravats did it better, but because you can’t taste ever: Je m’apelle Michel by Michel Tenoît has been mustered. Spread it…

A mysterious 7” vinyl featuring 4 tracks, found in a Turkish bazaar while looking for vault keys. The back cover insists this recording was made in Paris, 1983, however the first track seems strangely familiar to a modern hit song. Data has been transferred digitally for public consumption.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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