Hey, gang. Just wanted to give you a quick thanks for reading TMT. I’m happy you enjoy the “work” we do for you, and I want you to know that we appreciate your continual support. Plus, your easily classifiable tastes provide our advertisers with a simple source of profit. So, win win.
Anyway, today I’ve got a li’l ol’ tape from mieksneak., and I think you’re really gonna enjoy it. That is, if you’re a fan of melded vocals and samples set to a steady source of syncopated drums. Front to back, Sneak Tape slaps you across your expertly-marketed-to face, but with love and care. With a glove, too. And some lube. It doesn’t hurt or anything. It just slaps you. In a good way. So go and get your slaps on below. That is, if you’re not too afraid. Pshhhh, fraidy cat.
• mieksneak.: https://soundcloud.com/mieksneak
More about: mieksneak.