♫♪  Mission of Burma - “Dust Devil”

Holy Ian Curtis, it’s a new Mission of Burma tune! The legendary Boston post-punk band will release their new album, Unsound, on Fire Records this July. “Dust Devil” is the album opener, and it’s got everything you could want in a MoB song: those familiar chugging riffs, cacophonous bits of feedback, and just enough harmonies to make it go down smooth. I’m not sure if this song was written for the household appliance or the dangerous meteorological phenomenon, but Roger Miller and company make the Dust Devil sound rollicking and rowdy regardless of the context.

• Mission of Burma: http://www.missionofburma.com
• Fire: http://www.firerecords.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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