♫♪  Motion Sickness of Time Travel - The Perennials EP

Rachel Evans’ Motion Sickness of Time Travel project is like an untiring astronomist obsessed with finding the limits of the universe. One look at her Bandcamp page will reveal an average of nearly one release a month for the entirety of 2012, and already three different releases for January of 2013 alone. Her newest observation, The Perennials EP, is an investigation into that dance-floor urgency without all of the sweaty kids, not unlike some of the lighter moments of Actress’ 2012 masterwork, R.I.P. Yet it’s not an entirely new direction from MSOTT’s own 2012 self-titled breakout, more of a detour through an asteroid field. I can’t wait to see what February brings.

The Perennials EP is available now over at Boomkat. You can listen to a couple of the songs from the EP below.

• Motion Sickness of Time Travel: http://motionsicknessoftimetravel.bandcamp.com
• Boomkat: http://boomkat.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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