Does it ever feel like too much? Like you’re drowning in a never-ending stream of links and proxies, all shelling out near identical copies, all stratified in a fuzzy hierarchy of power? Lately in attempt to detach from the noise, I’ve found myself coming back to a little-known noise tape from sound artist Sally Decker. Under multa nox, Decker stretches field recordings and soundscapes into ghostly memoriam of the natural world. “Simmer” and “traces” shuffle with gentle electronics like soft, florescent lights, while “winds” and “rainswell” pull forces of nature into chaos, dramatizing the lightness and entropy of forces beyond our control. Like Kevin Greenspon’s To Leave a Mark or Pharmakon’s Abandon, the release works in sounds of its own creation, dramatizing the act of production in meta-gesture. Her first tape is out now from dwelling tapes; check it out below and pick up the tape over on her Bandcamp.
More about: Multa Nox