♫♪  Navie D - OPRA

I know how soulful Navie D can make a beat; I’ve heard his work with Joey Bada$$ and love it. But on OPRA—a quick, five-track SoundCloud set—he’s wandered into a Halo 3 battlefield, scanning the ground for more ammo. Maybe that’s an intentional artistic decision; being an artist is about experimenting, even if that means being bored by your own limits. Or maybe it’s not. His gun was jammed and now he’s found a new one. And new armor too. And a new spaceship, with a fully equipped audio system. A spaceship can be a bedroom: a place for gathering detritus. Murky, dusty beats become fully realized visions, like . Click that button down there and get something new. New results. A new you. A new body. A quick, five-track SoundCloud set.

• Navie D: https://soundcloud.com/itsnavied

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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