Ah, Middle America. It’s so easy to fall into the slow-paced lifestyle that prevails between those rolling hills that guide you on the long stretches of highway between college towns. If you don’t fall into the lifestyle, you just end up bored most of the time, which is how so many Midwest kids become vandals and pyromaniacs. What else are you going to do?
Netherfriends (a.k.a. Shawn Rosenblatt) seemed to reach that plateau of boredom at a much younger age than most prolific Midwest kids. He was probably sitting around some huge bonfire in a corn field somewhere thinking to himself, “How about instead of doing this, I just tour the entirety of this country in one year and record a song in every single state?” And the real kicker? He actually did it. I can’t tell you how many ideas I’ve had for bands and music projects that haven’t survived past the hour or two of conversation I got from sharing the idea with a few friends while we shot off fireworks and vandalized things. Oh well, you can take the kid out of the Midwest, but you can’t always take the Midwest out of the kid.
Stream Middle America, Netherfriend’s nine-song musical companion to growing up in any of the included nine Midwestern states, and buy the digital version from Kilo Records. There are 41 more where this came from, so keep your ears open all you coastal kids!
• Netherfriends: http://www.netherfriends.us
• Kilo Records: http://shop.kilorecords.net
More about: Netherfriends