♫♪  NHK - “Fu2” / “476/572_2”

Attention human beings: Osaka-born producer Kouhei Matsunaga has a new split 12-inch with SND (Mark Fell and Matt Steel)! One of Matsunaga’s tracks, filed here under his NHK moniker and created with the help of Toshio Munehiro, is called “Fu2,” a minimal techno dance track that flitters, flutters, then flails its way to a slow-motion rave ender. Ugh, I love it. Check it out (and while you’re at it, also check out an excerpt of SND’s side here):

Meanwhile, Matsunaga recently released Dance Classics Vol. I as NHK’Koyxeи. Here’a video for “476/572_2”:

Matsunaga’s 12-inch with SND and his full-length Dance Classics Vol. I are available on PAN. Which makes sense, because PAN fucking rules.

• NHK: http://koyxen.blogspot.com
• PAN: http://pan-act.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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