That’s right, Form Phallus Function is a fleshy pink tape with throbbing bold red letters emblazoned across its hefty surface. The tape is barely contained by any paper, as the traditional j-card is eschewed for a folded flat piece of stock that barely covers any of Form Phallus Function’s interior bits. You can see the tape itself, along with its magnetic shield, pressure pad, and guide rollers, all without opening the case. And the capstan holes! Oh my.
For a modest boy like me, it doesn’t get any more twitterpating than staring down the nether regions of anything, and Nils Quak’s Form Phallus Function just takes the cake. Hopefully you bring yourself to open this thing up and actually play it without fainting. I fainted several times as Quak’s lovely improvised drone flitted back and forth from ambient to noise, raising my heart rate and blood pressure every time he changed things up on me. Don’t hold your breath as you listen, you won’t make it to the end (trust me, I tried).
Check it out from Otomatik Muziek:
More about: Nils Quak