♫♪  nipple tapes - index of/nipple tapes

Gaaaah, this jambalaya of temperance, patience, and intuition is getting me all worked up (in the best way possible). index of/nipple tapes feels so thought out and complete, yet still so unplanned and stubbled upon. Kinda like when you were young and had to stay home from school because you were sick, and the only thing to do was lay on the couch and endlessly flip through the channels. And then at some magical point, the surfing got good, and everything started to mix together into one sensical, fluid program. Er, sumthin’ like that.

By the way, this isn’t a fluke, either. Check out uuu by nipple tapes, released a little over a month ago. It’s equally as enthralling as the new index of/nipple tapes, which is streaming below:

• nipple tapes:: http://nippletapes.bandcamp.com
• SLF TAPES: https://soundcloud.com/slf-tapes

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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